
Favor: Gods of Oethera

Created by Lichenwood Games

Explore uncharted lands, find powerful Relics, & fight for the Favor of the Gods in this path building, action-adventure board game!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Fulfillment Has Completed - THANK YOU EVERYONE!
4 months ago – Wed, Oct 30, 2024 at 09:13:09 AM

All Kickstarter Rewards Have Been Fulfilled! Huzzah! 

We are thrilled to share that the the digital wallpaper pack, the digital "Art of Favor" book, and the physical board game, Favor: Gods of Oethera, have all been delivered! 

If for some reason you haven't received a reward that you were expecting, please email us at [email protected] so we can get it sorted out. 

We really cannot express how grateful we are to each and every one of you for supporting our dream. Thank you, thank you, thank you for backing our first game. Now, onto the next one! 

Much Love,

'Leigh & Peter

Fulfillment Has Begun!!!
5 months ago – Thu, Oct 10, 2024 at 01:03:40 PM

It's Finally Time. Fulfillment Has Begun!

Packages of Favor are headed for the post office as we speak! All games will be in the mail by the end of the day Monday, October 14th. 

We are SO EXCITED to finally get your game to you. Please let us know what you think of the packaging, the pieces, the game mechanics, all of it, once you sit down, crack it open, and give it a play. Leaving us a review on is one of the best ways to support and share this project! 

We appreciate all of you so much for helping us bring Favor into the world. If you have any trouble receiving your game, or with the game you receive, don't hesitate to reach out to us at [email protected]

Until Next Time,

'Leigh & Peter

Favor Has Landed in Port - Games in the Mail by October 13th
5 months ago – Mon, Sep 30, 2024 at 09:27:05 AM

Favor Has Landed!

As of this writing, 5 pallets of Favor: Gods of Oethera have landed in the port of Seattle. Once it's been unloaded from the boat, it'll be transferred to a truck and driven to our warehouse to be sent to you! 

The new expected date to get all games in the mail is October 13th. You should have received an email from BackerKit giving a 48-hour notice to change your shipping address before the order fully locks. 

Please confirm or change your shipping address through the BackerKit email ASAP. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to [email protected] 

We are so close to delivering this project, and we cannot wait for you to play Favor: Gods of Oethera! Our next update should be during fulfillment. 

Have a great day! 

Much Love,

'Leigh & Peter

Production Is Finished - Favor On Its Way To Our Warehouse!
6 months ago – Thu, Aug 29, 2024 at 01:28:00 PM

Favor: Gods of Oethera Has Finished Production!

                                                       Holy. Wow. 

After four-and-a-half years of grit and determination, our first game has finally come to life! As of this update, one thousand copies of Favor: Gods of Oethera have been manufactured, assembled, wrapped on pallets, and put on a truck headed to Shanghai Port, China. From there, it will be loaded onto a boat and shipped to the shores of Washington State, loaded onto another truck, then delivered to our fulfillment partner, InDiPro Games, just south of Tacoma, WA. The 4 pallets of Favor are estimated to land mid-late September 2024.

Meet our fulfillment & distribution partner: InDiPro Games.

Then... drumroll please... Favor will finally be shipped out to the amazing people who helped make this dream come true! The plan is to have all games in the mail by October 3rd, 2024.

 AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH... just in time for spooky season 🎃. 

BackerKit emails will be sent in the next couple of weeks to confirm your delivery address as well as collect payment for shipping. We appreciate your understanding to hold-off on the shipping charges until now. A lot has changed in the last year regarding the pricing of shipping, and it took collaboration with LongPack to determine the size and weight of the Favor games. Once received, please respond to the BackerKit emails ASAP to prevent any delays in sending you your game. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to us at [email protected].

We cannot thank you enough for your support in bringing this project to life. It been a lifelong dream to create a game and share it with the world. And thanks to all of you, that dream has become a reality! 

Because we think it's cool to see how things are made, we asked our account representative at LongPack to send us a photo of the assembly for Favor. Instead, they sent us this FANTASTIC video of the assembly line! Shout out to LongPack, to the person operating the camera, and to every single person working this assembly line. It's SO COOL! 

We will send out another update once Favor has landed in the warehouse and fulfillment has begun. Until then, enjoy the final throes of Summer... and get excited for the fall! 

Until Next Time,

Peter & 'Leigh 

Fulfillment Update: Estimated Shipping September 2024
8 months ago – Fri, Jul 19, 2024 at 02:59:37 PM

Greetings beautiful backers! 

We hope you are staying nice and cool this summer. We have a couple of updates regarding the fulfillment timeline for Favor: Gods of Oethera.

First, the new estimated delivery date for backer rewards is September 2024. It has taken longer than anticipated to finalize the product for mass production. But we wanted to take our time to ensure the highest possible quality of product.

Second, we are excited to share that Favor is currently in mass production! 1,000 copies of Favor: Gods of Oethera are churning through the assembly line at the time of writing. We expect production to wrap up in 1-2 weeks.

Finally, we expect freight to take 2-4 weeks, delivering 4 pallets of Favor from the manufacturing warehouse in China to our fulfillment center in Washington state. From there, order fulfillment will begin promptly.

We’ll let everyone know when mass production is finished before we send out final address verifications through BackerKit.

Thank you all for your patience and support for this project. We are SO CLOSE to shipping Favor: Gods of Oethera!!!

Until Next Time,

‘Leigh & Peter